Direct debit and credit card negotiations with Visa and Mastercard continue to produce large, new-money income gains to the bottom line. Profit Resources (PRI) has helped many community institutions get their piece of the pie. Do not allow your processor to make your card brand decision for you… it will cost you more than you know.
Just look at a sample of PRI case studies:
- $1.2B bank issuing 27,000 Mastercard debit cards in a move to Principal membership with Mastercard, from their processor-sponsored Mastercard relationship through Elan. Mastercard incentive agreement signed by bank worth over $4 million dollars. (Nov 2016 – Apr 2017)
- $600MM bank issuing 15,000 Visa debit cards in a move to Principal membership with Visa, from their processor-sponsored Visa relationship through CSI. Visa Partnership agreement signed by bank worth $1.5 million dollars. (Mar – Aug 2017)
- $400MM bank issuing 12,000 Visa debit cards in a move to Principal membership with Visa, from their processor-sponsored Visa relationship through Jack Henry – JHA PassPort. Visa Partnership agreement signed by bank worth over $900,000. (Sept 2016 – Feb 2017)
Ask to talk with our clients and references. The results are real and attainable.
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