PRI Blog

Our blog is dedicated to sharing our thoughts and expertise about the banking industry and how you can experience quantifiable results for your financial institution. We invite you to hear the perspectives from our banking professionals through our posts.

The Invisible Expense: Tackling Hidden Costs in Digital Transformation, Part 1

Identify and address overlooked expenses in your bank’s tech overhaul Most financial institutions are now aware of the potential benefits a successful digital transformation can provide in the areas of improved customer experience, enhanced operational efficiency and increased competitive advantage through differentiation. However, the fear of falling behind the competition can sometimes lead organizations to […]
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Ringing in Your New Year with Project Management

While a financial institution’s project portfolio is continuously reassessed as new projects come up, the beginning of the year is a good time to ensure that the current portfolio aligns with the overarching strategic plan and projects are prioritized accordingly. It’s also a good time to update procedures and governance documents and assess Project Management […]
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Credit Card Program 101: Building a Strong Foundation for Success

Thinking about implementing a credit card program at your financial institution? Before embarking on the launch of a credit card program, an institution must consider if they want “to own or not to own.” According to Michael Fuccillo, PRI credit card consultant, it is important to evaluate the available issuing options periodically and implement the […]
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From Setbacks to Solutions: How to Handle Surprise Costs

If yours is like a lot of businesses this year, the end of 2024 has already brought the unpleasant news that employer healthcare costs are rising again by anywhere from 5 to 10% on average. If your financial institution doesn’t find ways to offset this increase, you may be heading into 2025 already behind your […]
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Winning the Wallet War: Top Tips to Make Debit Card the Go-To Choice

While your financial institution is likely aware that debit cards generate significant interchange fees, it may be selling the complete picture of debit card value short. In addition to an average of $0.34 to $0.52 cents per transaction depending on how much your customers spend and where they shop, frequent debit card usage helps build […]
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Building a Unified Customer Experience

When online banking first emerged in the 1990s, it was presented as a simple method to cut costs. The prevailing logic was that the cost-per-transaction – almost always a balance inquiry – was less expensive than a visit to the branch or a call to the call center. The term “Customer Experience” was not yet […]
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Friendly Fraud: Legitimate Dispute or Regrettable Boots?

Can we talk about chargebacks? When a cardholder contacts a financial institution about a non-authorized transaction – also known as a dispute – it triggers a costly, multi-step back-office procedure referred to as a chargeback. Processors can charge as much as $35 for a chargeback only to inform the institution that the merchant denied the […]
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The Power of Customer Education for Fraud Prevention

As long as there have been financial institutions, there have been frauds and scams designed to separate them from the money they steward. The tactics have changed over time, but the results are the same – the bank is left holding the bag when fraud occurs, and for a small- to medium-sized community bank, the […]
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Fraud Trends: 5 Common Tactics and How to Counter Them

The Financial Brand reports that up to 70% of businesses say that fraud losses have increased in recent years, and more than half of consumers feel they are more of a fraud target than a year ago. Experts warn that Generative AI will be one of the greatest drivers of fraud in 2024, making it more accessible to do-it-yourself […]
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