PRI Blog: Process Improvement

Our blog is dedicated to sharing our thoughts and expertise about the banking industry and how you can experience quantifiable results for your financial institution. We invite you to hear the perspectives from our banking professionals through our posts.

The Power of Customer Education for Fraud Prevention

As long as there have been financial institutions, there have been frauds and scams designed to separate them from the money they steward. The tactics have changed over time, but the results are the same – the bank is left holding the bag when fraud occurs, and for a small- to medium-sized community bank, the […]
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Fraud Trends: 5 Common Tactics and How to Counter Them

The Financial Brand reports that up to 70% of businesses say that fraud losses have increased in recent years, and more than half of consumers feel they are more of a fraud target than a year ago. Experts warn that Generative AI will be one of the greatest drivers of fraud in 2024, making it more accessible to do-it-yourself […]
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Unlocking the Secrets of High Performing Financial Institutions

What does a high performing financial institution have in common with Rocky Balboa in Rocky IV? More than you’d think at first glance!  In the film, Rocky confronts Ivan Drago, who prepares for the match using high-tech equipment, a team of experts monitoring his every movement, and regular doses of steroids. Rocky, however, focuses on […]
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The Power of Curiosity in Process Improvement Strategy

While there are many in-depth approaches to process improvement initiatives out there, often small- to medium-size financial institutions have neither the time nor the resources to tackle a complete overhaul of the organization. With that said, there are countless valuable opportunities available to make small improvements that will lead to excellent results. Cultivating an atmosphere […]
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5 Common Pitfalls to Avoid in Process Improvement Projects

Process improvement means change to any organization and tends to be met with some level of resistance. Because change is not necessarily easy, process improvement projects don’t always move forward like they should. With the constant change in the banking landscape, particularly with technology, it is critical that process improvement projects remain a priority and […]
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Why Intentional Process Improvement Matters 

Intentional process improvement and how it applies to the strategy and culture of a financial institution is not always at the forefront of senior leaders’ minds. When it’s not, it can easily fall by the wayside. Sometimes FIs subscribe to the view, “If it ain’t broke, don’t fix it.” This perspective can lead to a […]
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Breaking the Mold: Using New Channels to Communicate Effectively

At PRI, we spend our days helping financial institutions look at every aspect of their businesses to determine where they can improve their processes, which leads to enhanced culture and employee engagement. There are many avenues of attack we can take that lead to improved efficiency and increased profitability, which is our ultimate goal. As […]
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Preparing for a Focus on Process and Efficiency

When asked why it is vital to take the time to focus on efficiency and effectiveness in a financial institution, the go-to answer typically involves reducing costs and improving profitability. At PRI, however, cost reduction and improved profits as primary drivers are prioritized behind enhancing the customer experience. Mikelle Brady, PRI partner, says that the […]
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7 Tips for Getting the Most Out of Your Core System

With all the current hype about Cloud-Native Core Solutions, it’s easy to become overwhelmed by all the choices available. In our last blog, Mike Neale, PRI Director of System Evaluation, highlighted the considerations FIs should take into account when deciding whether to implement a core solution designed for cloud deployment. He said that while cloud […]
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Wasting Time: 8 Opportunities for Improving Operational Efficiency

Customer expectations have driven much of the transformation in products and services that are now being delivered by financial institutions. Because of that, transformation is typically at the forefront of client experience strategy. However, process improvement often lags or is overlooked when it comes to operational efficiencies. Often viewed as not having a direct client […]
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