PRI Blog: Organization Development

Our blog is dedicated to sharing our thoughts and expertise about the banking industry and how you can experience quantifiable results for your financial institution. We invite you to hear the perspectives from our banking professionals through our posts.

How to Prepare Your Financial Institution for the “Next Normal”

As states begin to reopen and Round 2 of the Paycheck Protection Program (PPP) is wrapping up, financial institutions will return to pre-COVID operations. Or will they? At Profit Resources Inc., we believe the pandemic is providing a unique opportunity to review how financial institutions of all sizes operate and serve their communities, customers and employees. Here […]
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Focus on Communication with Customers and Employees

Customer behavior has changed and will continue to change during the course of the COVID-19 pandemic. The longer the pandemic lasts, the more significant the behavior change is likely to be and the more likely those changes are to endure beyond the end of the crisis. Over the last several weeks, we’ve been connecting with many […]
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Top 5 Tips for Successful Strategic Planning

Does your financial institution have a strategic plan living on a shelf somewhere? Perhaps it’s in a beautiful, black three-ring binder just waiting for the next examiner to dust it off. You get the executive management team together with the board for a day and hammer out that strategic plan once every five years. All […]
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Buying or Selling a Bank This Year?

Experts expect the bank mergers and acquisitions environment to remain highly competitive in 2019 due to continued strong earnings in acquiring banks, along with relatively good stock prices
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